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Discovering What You’re Passionate About

Discovering What You’re Passionate About

Discovering What You’re Passionate About. Have you ever say to yourself, “If I could just figure out what I’m really passionate about, everything else will take off”?

If so, you’re not alone. One of the most common stumbling blocks to launching a passion-based life is figuring out what you’re passionate about in the first place.

Sadly, many of us go about finding our passion in the wrong way. Passion can’t be found in your head because it lives in your heart. And the flames of passion are fanned by engagement, not thought.

Discovering What You’re Passionate About. No matter how hard you try, you cannot figure out your passion by just thinking about it. You need to take action and feel your way to your truth, from the inside out.

A common theme in most writing on goal setting is the need to follow your passions. Do the things that make you want to get up early in the morning. There’s only one thing missing: What if you don’t have any passions?

I’m sure everyone on this planet has interests. But that’s not the same thing. Enjoying playing video games isn’t the same as spending thousands of hours designing your own. Your passion has to be something you would work exceptionally hard for.

So what do you do, if there is nothing you feel that engaged about?

The better approach to finding your passions is actually fairly simple:

  1.    Try a lot of different things
  2.    See what you enjoy

The biggest obstacle to overcome is a narrow vision of what you can do. When you are not passionately interested in anything, try to cast a wide net to look at dozens of different activities and experiment.

Dabbling is key to the art of finding what drives you. Dabbling means committing to something for 3-6 months. This amount of time isn’t enough to become really good at anything. But it is enough time to get over the sharp learning curve in the beginning.

If you don’t have any project that makes you want to wake up early and sacrifice leisure for, you should start dabbling. Find new activities completely outside your comfort zone you can do for a few hours a week, and commit for at least two months.

You need a Spark because sometimes the problem with a passion isn’t the activity, but the goal. 

Equally important to dabbling in activities is to dabble in experiences. Meet people from weird and unique backgrounds. Read books that don’t normally appear on your shelf. Randomness increases the chance that one of your interests will be sparked into something more.

Always Look for More. Dabbling is a continuous process. Committing yourself to one goal is good. But that should still leave time for brief experiments. If you’re always dabbling, you have a large base of passions you can do interesting work from. Don’t tolerate boredom.

Building your life around what you love is something you’ll never regret. It’s your passion for what you do that will give you the drive, commitment and energy necessary to create any amount of success and fulfillment you desire. And you’ll have an extraordinary time while you do it.

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